Silver Package
Make sure your computers are running smoothly and issues are addressed quickly.
- Unlimited Priority Remote Support
- Remote access licensing
- Remote Monitoring
- Disk Usage
- Memory Usage
- Processor Usage
- Software Updates
- Windows Updates
- 1 Complimentary PC Tune-Up each year.
- 25% off C&C Computer Services
Gold Package
Add network support to ensure all devices can talk to each other, printers, and services regardless of connection type.
- Everything in Silver Package
- Network Support
- WiFi-Support
- 1 hour on-site appointment each month.
- Firewall/Gateway updates
- Third Party Application Support
Platinum Package
Add extra Security to handle cyber attacks and data loss issues.
- Everything in Gold Package
- Additional 1 hour on-site appointment each month
- Manage Backups
- Network Security Scan
- Check Computer Startup items for security risks